Login/ Register to Supervity
1 Register to Supervity using email
Step 1:
Navigate to https://app.supervity.ai/ Supervity URL.
Step 2:
Click on the Register option or use Google or Microsoft sign ups.
Step 3:
Enter email, password, confirm password and click on Register. Make sure email is not already registerd and
password contains at least 8 characters along with a special character and capital letter.
Step 4:
Verify your email address to activate your account. Navigate to your email mailbox and open the email with
verification link and click on the link. In case the link doesn't open.
2 Register to Supervity using Google login
Step 1:
Navigate to https://app.supervity.ai/ supervity URL and click on the G+
option as shown below.
Step 2:
Sign in with your gmail credentials to login.
3 Register to Supervity using Microsoft login
Step 1:
Navigate to https://app.supervity.ai/ supervity URL and click on the
Microsoft option as shown below.
Step 2:
Accept the request and Sign in with your microsoft credentials to login.