Step-by-step process to share a note in the Evernote web application. Note: Make sure you are already logged into the Evernote web application.
Open Evernote web Application
1. On the home screen, a list of options will appear in the left-side menu. Locate and click on the "Notes" option.
2. After clicking on the notes list of notes will appear, locate and click on the Next button in the Supervity instruction widget then click on the required note to share.
3. Click on Share at the right side corner of the page.
4. Click on enable if required and click on the Next button in the Supervity instruction widget.
5. Click on the invite and type the email id to share the note and click on the Next button in the Supervity instruction widget.
6. Click and select the level of access and click on the Next button in the Supervity instruction widget.
7. Click Send Invitation to share the note.