Step by step process to share files via outlook web email. Note: Make sure you already logged into the Outlook web application.
Open Outlook
1.Click on the App launcher available in the top left corner.
2. Click on "Onedrive" to redirect to the drive page.
3. Click on the "My files" tab from the menu panel.
4. Hover over the file you want to share, and a checkbox will appear. Click on the checkbox to select the file then click on "Next" in the Supervity instruction widget.
5. In the toolbar at the top of the page, click on the "Share" button.
6. In the "To" field, enter the email address of the person you want to share the file with. You can enter multiple email addresses separated by commas.
7. You can add an optional message to the email in the "Add a quick note" field. This message will be included in the email sent to the recipient. If you want to enter a message, enter it then click on "Next" in the Supervity instruction widget. If you want to skip this directly click on the "Next" button in the Supervity instruction widget.
8. Click on the "Send' button to send an email.
9. Click on "cross symbol" to close the popup.